How to give yourself a Yoni massage at home

A Yoni massage is a type of tantric massage that originated in 6th-century Southeast Asia. As with any spiritual practice, the path to genuinely benefitting is through understanding and honoring the culture it originates from. So, let’s first understand ‘what is a sacred Yoni massage,’ before we dive into how to give a Yoni massage.
What is a Yoni massage?
Yoni is a Sanskrit word that literally means ‘the womb’, ‘the source’ and ‘the female genitalia’. In Hinduism, ‘Yoni’ symbolizes the Hindu goddess Shakti, representing divine feminine energy. Yoni massages are one of the many ways you can practice spiritual yoni care.
The masculine counterpart to Yoni is the ‘Linga’. Together, they symbolize the blending of inner and outer worlds, the eternal cycle of creation and renewal, and the harmonious union of feminine and masculine energies. This concept is similar to Yin and Yang, but it originates from a different culture.
In picture: A stone statue of the Yoni and Linga.
We know that’s a lot to take in! But don’t worry, performing a Yoni massage won’t be so difficult. Keep reading and I’ll explain it all.
What is the history of Yoni massage?
Yoni massage is one of many tantric practices that have been around since the 6th century in Asia and Southeast Asia. Tantric practices include meditation, yoga, mantras, and rituals, all aimed at spiritual transformation and liberation. Practised in Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism, the goal of these tantric practices is spiritual transformation and liberation. Tantra embraces and transcends all aspects of human experience—physical, emotional, and spiritual—to achieve profound states of awareness and unity with the divine. That all sounds fancy, but what exactly does it mean? Don’t worry, I’ve got you!
See, since the start, Tantra has been Taboo with a Capital T. It’s challenged religious, cultural and political norms around the world. It often involved rituals invoking powerful deities, sometimes incorporating sexual rites, intoxicants, and even human remains! Tantra challenged the norms by claiming everything is sacred, including things traditionally considered vulgar and impure. So much so, that the British Colonial Empire saw it as a threat to their rule and tried to suppress it!
One of the taboo practices within Tantra is Yoni massage. Its history is obscure, but it's only recently gained traction in the West, thanks to tantric practitioners. Today, numerous 'Yoni massage practitioners' charge anywhere from $80 to $500 per session. However, spirituality and connectedness should never be elitist.
These practices should benefit everyone, and you can achieve the same, if not better, results at home.
It's crucial to note that a Yoni massage isn't about self-pleasure. Unlike the seedy 'happy ending' massage parlors that focus on sexual gratification, the goal of a Yoni massage is to honor and awaken feminine energy, promote healing, and cultivate a profound bond with one's body. Sadly, some establishments exploit the term 'tantric Yoni massage' as a front for the sex industry.
That’s why I recommend performing it at home- you’ll be doing it with the right intentions and will develop a genuine connection with yourself.
How to give yourself a Yoni massage at home
Follow the steps below to learn how to Yoni massage.
Get clear on why you’re doing this
Set the scene
In Picture: Hand Mudra
Explore yourself
If you're familiar with energy centers, consider placing your hands on them to calm your mind and enhance energy flow. Use gentle, flowing strokes over your body to balance and invigorate yourself.
In Picture: The energy centers of the body
Go deeper
When your Yoni calls you, begin by gently exploring the vulva. Use gentle circular motions to increase blood flow and awaken sensitivity. Using a quality oil reduces friction and ensures smooth, pleasurable movements. Oils such as the YUMMY Yoni Oil are enriched with botanical ingredients and have been used for centuries in alternative medicine. It’s formulated with ingredients such as rose (associated with love and the heart chakra), jasmine (known for its uplifting and aphrodisiac properties) and sandalwood (often used in mediation and spiritual practices due to its grounding properties. While it's not essential, treating yourself to the YUMMY Yoni Oil can be a delightful way to show your yoni some appreciation.
As you progress, you might feel comfortable exploring further. Use a finger from your non-dominant hand to gently explore the vaginal canal, while the other hand can stimulate the clitoris. This dual stimulation harmonizes internal and external sensations, creating a holistic experience. Experiment with different movements and give equal attention to every part of your yoni!
Stay present
Remind yourself that the goal is not to orgasm. Stay present in the moment, focusing on your Yoni and its responses. If your mind wanders, gently guide it back to your body without judgment. If emotions arise—whether shame, frustration, or joy—accept them and breathe through them. Visualize releasing negativity with each exhale, or use vocal sounds like groans or sighs to release pent-up emotions.
Imagine a radiant golden light emanating from your Yoni, enveloping your entire being in warmth and healing energy. Let your imagination run wild—visualize yourself soaring or floating weightlessly. Harness your feminine sexual energy to flow freely and empower you.
If you feel on the brink of climax, consider pausing to savor the build-up, allowing energy to ripple and spread throughout your body.
When you sense your Yoni has had its fill, revel in the afterglow. You're in a heightened state of awareness and energy. Use this time to engage in creative pursuits, journal, or simply bask in the peace of the moment. No pressure, though! If you want to nap, sweet dreams to you!
Why do a Yoni massage?
Let’s explore why someone might choose to experience a Yoni massage (Not that we’re complaining about having some fun!)
Healing sexual trauma:
Advocates of Yoni massage suggest it can aid in healing trauma by creating a safe, supportive environment for emotional release. Many women carry tension in their pelvic area due to stress, emotional trauma, or physical discomfort. This region is deeply linked with intimacy, sexuality, and personal identity. Traumatic experiences, past relationships, or societal norms may lead to emotional suppression in this area. Gentle, respectful touch during the massage can help individuals reconnect positively with their bodies, facilitating the release of stored emotions and tensions.
Connecting with your body:
In a world where we often dwell in our minds, a Yoni massage can ground you and foster a deeper connection with your body. It encourages being fully present and tuning into your Yoni’s needs and desires.
Sexual energy is potent and has been channelled by traditions for various purposes. For instance, Taoist traditions emphasize cultivating and conserving sexual energy ("chi" or "qi") through practices like Taoist sexual energy cultivation. During a Yoni massage, you can harness sexual energy to manifest your goals by visualizing and directing this energy.
Summing it up:
All in all, yoni massages are a powerful (and sexy!) way to connect with your body, your feminine energy and enhance your spiritual feminine hygiene. Regular massages can help you improve wellbeing, vitality, increased energy, a positive body image, tension release, and, of course, enhanced orgasms. It’s no surprise this practice is rapidly gaining popularity.